The AutoPylot solution has been validated within the Microsoft Azure A/D security framework.  Here are some general considerations for companies implementing AutoPylot in a D365 environment.

AutoPylot and Azure Active Directory

  • Users and companies wanting to trial/use AutoPylot must have both an AutoPylot Enterprise Account and D365.
  • The AutoPylot Mobile App uses the standard OAuth login framework provided by Azure. It’s a module signed and verified in Azure A/D labeled “AutoPylot STA”.
  • For the AutoPylot app to work, the User must have a license to D365.
  • The overall User verification includes both Azure A/D and a valid user email address/domain in the AutoPylot Portal:
    • If there is no User account in the Portal, the Mobile App returns the message: AutoPylot Mobile Number not found. Contact your company’s AutoPylot admin or email
    • To resolve this error, go to, and from the User screen, select Create New User.


The AutoPylot D365 Console App

The AutoPylot solution includes a D365 Console App.  The Console App does three things:

  • Adds AutoPylot-specific fields to existing Dynamics table data structures
    • Contact, Lead, PhoneCall,
    • Within the PhoneCall table, the new ap_recordingURL will contain a link to the audio record of a phone call, if enabled.
  • Creates two new AutoPylot table data structures:
    • Text
    • AutoPylot_User
  • The App includes new Views:
    • PhoneCalls
    • Text Messages

The AutoPylot Console App is available within Microsoft’s AppSource, or is available for download from the AutoPylot site as a .ZIP file.